
Rachel’s main goal is to help people, Rachel herself went to see a Control Practitioner and overcame a trauma and damaging self belief, one that held her back emotionally and successfully for most of her adult life.

However, the changes she was able to make as a result of the Control System enabled her to soar as a person, so much so that she realized that she wanted to pay it forward, to help those who were stuck like she had been. She then trained to become a Control Practitioner and absolutely loves what she does.

Rachel has a warm, kind and understanding nature, she possesses a unique ability to connect with people, vital tools and qualities to have in this field. Wanting and being able to help others overcome such things as, negative thought patterns, low self-esteem, phobias, smoking cessation, addiction, trauma, abuse and many more life hindering issues, is the force that drives her. To watch a person, grow and blossom into who they’re meant to be is the reason she became a practitioner.

She has created amazing results for people and has made many positive changes in herself.

"Without Rachel I would still be a smoker. I tried so many different methods to give up over the years but always went back after a couple of weeks. I had just 3 sessions with Rachel and haven’t had a cigarette in 7 months. I forget that I even was a smoker. She is very kind and supportive with a nice gentle approach and never judges you. She gets you thinking in ways I have never thought before. If you really, deep down want to stop smoking, I can’t recommend her treatment enough."
Luke, Rochester (smoking)

"I can’t explain how much I’ve improved after seeing Rachel. I’ve developed so much more as a person in terms of confidence and self-esteem and I can’t thank her enough! Her work will have such a strong impact on me for the rest of my life. Going to her was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made."
Ghazaleh, Birmingham (self-esteem & confidence)

"When I first started talking to Rachel I did not realise at the time that I was suffering from anxiety over the loss of my mother, once I had spoken to her it felt as if she took my anxiety away with her when she left. My original reason for seeing Rachel was self-esteem or lack of it, I work in a male environment with lots of large personalities I never seemed to have the courage to put my ideas across. Through my sessions with Rachel I have found that I am a changed person not afraid of debating situations and confronting situations that I would not have been comfortable with in the past. My colleagues have also seen the change in me and have commented on how much they like the new me. My sessions with Rachel have taught me to control my feelings of anxiety and put them into perspective. I would certainly recommend Rachel."
Pat, Allhallows (self-esteem & anxiety)
Control Workshop Presenters

Rachel Branch

South East England

Brasted, Kent

CTRL Practitioner

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