
Helen is a John F. barnes Myofascial Release therapist where the connection between mind and body is integral. long held restrictions are often caused by emotional and physical trauma. Helen has found that the link to unlocking physical pain could be released by tapping into the subconscious mind to help the body to soften and let go.

With the control system she has seen improvements in long help limiting beliefs and habits in her clients. She has found it more beneficial for her clients who don’t want to be in a trance and prefer the more direct way of communicating with the subconscious mind. Helen has worked in substance misuse programs, self harm clients and with HIV sufferers, she has empathy and loves to see her clients grow by releasing their pain, trauma, emotions, self limiting beliefs and showing them how to take control of their own lives.

I’ve struggled with trichotillomania, the compulsive urge to pull out my hair, since I was three year sold. I’m now 55 and have tried countless physical strategies to stop, like tying my hair up, but nothing worked. I would often find myself playing with it and pulling bits out without even realizing it. However, after just one session with Helen, I was amazed to find that the habit stopped almost immediately. During the session, Helen made me feel incredibly calm and relaxed. She was professional throughout and provided me with techniques to continue the work at home. What surprised me most was that the hypnosis itself felt very subtle — I wouldn’t have even known I was hypnotized. Yet, the results were profound. I’ve noticed that while my hand may still instinctively reach for my hair, as soon as it touches, it feels wrong and I stop immediately. The session helped identify the root cause of why I did it and I’ve been very happy with the results.
I saw Helen about my fear of flying. She was very supportive and knowledgeable about the processes to take. She was calm and reassuring at every point and gave me the necessary strategies to cope. I have since been on two flights and found myself much calmer and better able to cope with my anxieties. The strategies Helen gave me have also helped me with remaining calm when needed. Thank you.
Having suffered with anxiety most of my life I understand how powerful the mind is and how difficult negative patterns can be to overcome. Naturally anticipating seeing a practitioner can bring on more anxiety and doubt but I needn't have worried. I felt comfortable, reassured and more importantly in control at every stage of my treatment. I whole heartedly recommend, Try it for yourself and you'll see...
Control Workshop Presenters

Helen Wright

East Midlands


Control Practitioner

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Intuitive Body & Soul